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  • Green Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    At the Green Key level, you are the foundation of our Cycle Breakers community.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Cards
  • Orange Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    The Orange Key Cycle Breakers are like rays of sunshine in our mission, providing warmth and hope.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Cards
  • Blue Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    As a Blue Key Cycle Breaker, you're helping to open doors for pregnant homeless women.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
    • Decal with Logo
  • Yellow Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    The Yellow Key Cycle Breakers are the shining stars of our community, shining bright for change
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
  • Red Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    At the Red Key level, you're making a bold statement in the fight against homelessness.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
  • Purple Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    The Purple Key Cycle Breakers represent the pinnacle of our community's commitment
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
Join Cycle Breakers and play a vital role in breaking cycles and transforming lives of worthy women like Maya.

Transform lives like Maya's - Every. Single. Month.

When Maya and her little one arrived to VAWFSC, their lives completely changed for the better. Before this, she was confined to a space barely larger than a closet with her newborn, as she found herself relegated to the role of a babysitter and an evening laborer. Struggling to find stability, she faced the heart-wrenching possibility of parting ways with her precious daughter. "I had no place to go. No place to call home", Maya recalls.  


Over the subsequent months residing at Carried To Full Term, a transformative journey unfolded as she seamlessly integrated into our program. With unwavering commitment, she embarked on a path to self-empowerment, taking measured strides toward self-sufficiency for herself and her cherished child.


As Maya and her baby settled into their newfound home, a remarkable transformation took place. The simple joys of life that many take for granted became precious moments of connection and love. Weekends were no longer a time of worry and stress, but an opportunity for pure joy and bonding. Leisurely strolls to the park, picnics on the lawn, carefree playtime, and shared laughter replaced the once heavy burden of uncertainty.


Maya is well on her way to her dream goals of purchasing a home for her her little one, and becoming a pharmacist. It's a dream come true, and it's all because of the passionate people like you that make up the Cycle Breakers community.

Cycle Breakers, where 100% of your support goes beyond housing

Virginia Women and Family Support Center empowers women by offering them the opportunity to pursue higher education while also providing classes in parenting, maternal health, and birthing. Through this comprehensive support system, women are equipped with essential knowledge and skills, enabling them to thrive both as students and as mothers, fostering a brighter future for themselves and their children.

Mother and Daughter Hugging

When women and children have access to safe and stable housing, it lays the foundation for positive transformation and allows them to flourish in various aspects of life. Housing security is a fundamental human right, and its impact on women and children goes far beyond just having a roof over their heads.

The Impact of Your Support in Breaking Cycles

Maternal Health 
& Education

VAWFSC is dedicated to supporting women in their journey towards improved maternal health and education. Through our program, we provide essential resources, classes, and guidance, empowering women to make informed decisions about their health and the well-being of their children. By fostering a nurturing environment, we enable women to achieve their educational goals while equipping them for a successful parenting journey.

Cycle Breakers
Residential Program

VAWFSC offers a transformative long-term residential program lasting up to two years, providing a supportive and safe environment for women facing challenging circumstances. During their stay, women receive comprehensive life skills training, counseling, and educational opportunities, empowering them to break cycles of adversity and lay a strong foundation for a brighter future for both themselves and their children.

Trauma Care
& Mental Health

At VAWFSC, we understand that trauma care and mental health are at the heart of addressing homelessness. Our dedicated program places a strong emphasis on providing professional support and resources to help women heal from past traumas and build resilience. By addressing these critical aspects, we empower them to reclaim their lives, fostering a positive path towards independence and stability.

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You're empowering change,
one key at a time.

At Virginia Women and Family Support Center, we believe in the power of community and compassion to break the cycles of homelessness. Our Cycle Breakers program is your opportunity to become a key player in transforming lives. You're not only opening doors for pregnant homeless women but also creating ripples of positive change that touch hearts and homes.


Every key represents a unique path to empowerment, a chance to rewrite stories, and an opportunity to provide stability where it's needed most.


Our Cycle Breakers members are the heart and soul of our mission, driving us closer to our goal of ending homelessness for pregnant women and their children.


Explore the different levels of commitment, each represented by a distinct key, and discover how you can be a part of this transformative journey. Together, we're breaking the cycles that hold back vulnerable families, offering hope, security, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.


Join us as a Cycle Breaker and be the change that transforms lives. Your key is waiting—will you use it to unlock a future filled with hope and stability?

  • Green Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    At the Green Key level, you are the foundation of our Cycle Breakers community.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Cards
  • Orange Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    The Orange Key Cycle Breakers are like rays of sunshine in our mission, providing warmth and hope.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Cards
  • Blue Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    As a Blue Key Cycle Breaker, you're helping to open doors for pregnant homeless women.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
    • Decal with Logo
  • Yellow Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    The Yellow Key Cycle Breakers are the shining stars of our community, shining bright for change
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
  • Red Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    At the Red Key level, you're making a bold statement in the fight against homelessness.
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
  • Purple Key Cycle Breaker

    Every month
    The Purple Key Cycle Breakers represent the pinnacle of our community's commitment
    • Exclusive Welcome Swag
    • 'First To Know' Newsletter
    • Monthly Photo Card
Welcome to the Life-Changing Circle of Cycle Breakers
Leaf Pattern Design
Cycle Breaker Member Pastor Mandy North

Mandy North

I became a Cycle Breaker to make sure that VAWFSC has the resources it needs to fulfill it’s mission of providing long-term housing to pregnant and homeless women so that they can break the cycles of poverty and trauma and become the amazing healthy, independent, self-sufficient women that they have been created to be. By being a Cycle Breaker, I can commit to a monthly donation that fits my own budget and once I sign up, I don’t have to worry about forgetting to make my donation.

Leaf Pattern Design
Cycle Breaker Member Grace Carter and Her Baby Girl

Grace Carter

I decided to become a Cycle Breaker because I agree with the Carried To Full Term mission; To provide housing for women, so they don’t have to be homeless. Being a mom myself, I know how hard it is to raise a child, so having the basic needs of having a home, a shower, and a bed is a necessity to raise a family. I’m happy to say that Virginia Women and Family Support Center is giving the opportunity for women to succeed and I am in full support of that.

Leaf Pattern Design
Cycle Breaker Member Elizabeth Heminger and Husband

Elizabeth Heminger

The Virginia Women and Family Support Center has a special place in my heart, I used to work in a similar home in North Dakota with a similar vision and purpose! I first heard about your organization through a friend, it was quite a few years ago when you were having a 5K fundraiser, I really wanted to participate however, I just had my first baby a month or two before. Since then I’ve been looking for a ways to get involved, and when I saw an opportunity to become a Cycle Breaker, I knew I had to jump in right away! I am excited to be getting more involved!

Helping Hands

Welcome to the VAWFSC Cycle Breakers Program! Our community is made up of generous, passionate, and determined individuals, just like you. Join the cause, and together, we will continue to change the lives of hundreds more women, children, and families. You're in the perfect place to make a difference and be a part of something incredible.

Holding Hands
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