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In 2016, Carried To Full Term was established with a clear mission to provide long-term housing for women who are pregnant and homeless and their children. Our goal is not just housing, we offer a comprehensive range of service to help women break cycles of homelessness but to do so takes time. Time has been factored into our program. Families are offered housing for 24 months. 


Women are given the tools, education, and support to regain control of their lives to become independent and self-sufficient, We believe that every woman deserves the chance to build a better life for herself and her child, and we support them every step of the way in breaking cycles that lead to homeless. ​Carried To Full Term is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded by Frances Robin, Executive Director after witnessing the need while volunteering at a pregnancy crisis center.


Her vision for women and their families has shaped our commitment to offering more than just housing. We give women and their children a safe and stable home where they can focus on rebuilding their lives with dignity and purpose.Our program offers a variety of classes on-site as well as a comprehensive range of services that includes educational advancement, counseling, job training, maternal health, trauma care, and financial management to reduce barriers to success. 


In 2017, the seven babies who were born in our program are now thriving first graders. We are committed to help families become stable. When housing is lacking, everything else falls apart. Stable housing and a supportive and nurturing community are critical to families thriving.


In 2020-2022, we survived the unprecedented challenges of COVID-19 pandemic.  The aftermath resulted in a surge in the number of urgent calls for housing. In Virginia, the statistics mirrors the nationwide trend of women and children as the leading population of people experiencing homelessness.


In 2023, we changed our name from Carried To Full Term to the Virginia Women and Family Support Center (VAWFSC) to better reflect our expanded range of services. While our name has changed, our mission remains the same. Carried To Full Term will continue as a stand-alone maternal health program.


We have created four focus areas that covers the program we offer to women in our program. The four focus areas are Housing and Homelessness, Trauma Care, and Education. 


To explore our focus areas and programs, click the link to learn more

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